One of the most commonplace is that e-commerce in Italy does not work. We can show you with case histories of the constant increase in sales that we have achieved with our customers. You are thinking about how to increase the turnover of your e-shop? Of course the Anglo-Saxon countries are ahead of us but perhaps some forget that 85% of Italians before buying go to the site and look at the products and compare them.
Are you looking for a solution that makes it easier to find and purchase your products?
Discover the new Business Oriented solutions for e-commerce sites of Agenzia Brand. 

ecommerce analytics

Online business, e-commerce solutions milan

"An online marketing tool perfectly optimized for search engines, in line with the top sellers for usability and performance."

Some of the strengths of our e-commerce solutions for online shops:

- Extended visibility on search engines: we ensure that every product and every single category are placed in a natural way on search engines.

- Special item management: in online shops, it has been proven that the more detailed the items are described, the easier it is for them to convince buyers.

- Simplified purchasing paths: the number of clicks to reach the shopping cart, the time taken to check out and the keyword that led to the purchase, have been reconsidered in favor of a better shopping experience for users and a more profitable online sales performance.

- Simplified management of the e-commerce platform: simple and immediate back-end with every type of function: calculation of taxes and shipments, invoicing, newsletters, multilingual, discounts and personalized coupons.

- Automation marketing: ability to follow and interpret the wishes of customers anticipating their choices.

Continuous monitoring of statistics on profits from online sales.

ecommerce click

In order to optimize conversions and maximize ROI from the web marketing activities associated with your e-commerce site, we constantly monitor all the parameters that indicate us:

What users do to find your site
How visitors to your site behave
How long do you have left
Which items are sold most.

The realization of your E-Shop will be supported by a coordinated activity aimed at guiding the collective of your potential customers, through detailed product reviews, creation of informative and especially comprehensive articles together with support on social channels.

By contacting Agenzia Brand you can evaluate new business opportunities through dedicated B2B and B2C e-commerce services;
via email through the adjacent form or by phone to the
(+39) 02.8435443.