Imagine for a second to be Mark Zuckemberg and to be the creator of FACEBOOK!
Imagine the power you could get managing FACEBOOK, TWITTER or LINKEDIN: the knowledge, mechanisms, the logical contradictions that might hold a so powerful Social Network.
Now, imagine the meaning of what AGENZIA BRAND feels to have create its small Social Network: CREATHEAD.
Imagine to be free to use your personal Social Network as a gym to make muscles and to prepare yourself to the fight that will go online in the next few years on the network.
So, the training that AGENZIA BRAND has done (from the 2005) and that is going on right now, is the base necessary for who wants to be protagonist on the network. AGENZIA BRAND has invested all its resources in this project and is now ready to offer its customers the know-how gained from its experience.
New logic will determine the success or failure of products, companies, political parties, etc. Old media are in disarray, they are struggling to understand the dynamics of the network and business leaders trudging in an attempt to salvage. It must communicate but the tools have changed and they are in the hands of new generations.
More than 2 Billion of visits per day on YOUTUBE.
More than 24 Millions of account Facebook in Italy and more tha 1 Billion all over the world
More than 3,5 Millions Twitter accounts in Italy.
These are the numbers which we have to face with and that we need and we want to use for our partners.